
The publishing house of the Library is ALLUVIAL.
Our publications are arranged in series, edited byCristina Bogdan & Mriganka Madhukaillya.
Currently, we are working on 2 book series, with the first books to come out by the end of 2023.
To order a copy of any of our publications, write to us.

Library in the Forest: the Worldbuilding Series

This series is inspired by Gregory Bateson’s attention to the need for developing an ecology of mind, and by Felix Guattari’s reworking of his ideas into the notion of the three ecologies (environmental, social, and mental). The books, imagined as a pocket format available in both English and Assamese, aim to celebrate worldbuilding attempts from the exceptional region of Kaziranga, one of the world’s most biodiverse spots, and also an important knot in various infrastructural, political, economic and social configurations.

Library in the Forest: the Learning Series

These pocket-format books are published following each intensive school session, bringing together contributions from the teachers and the participants. The series also comprises books on specific courses, somewhat like textbooks.

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Assembly of Desire

On the pages of the publication accompanying the assembly held in 2018 on Majuli island in Assam, the reader will encounter reflections from some of those that assembled. The invitation to be part of the book was an open one, and people submitted what they wanted and not in response to a set brief. As a result, the publication becomes a record of thinking that occurred over the time of Assembly and its aftermath. In a way, it is an object that houses duration and thinking – an alternative way to document an experience that has no functional purpose other than to present fragmented thoughts, linked by recurring threads during a shared experience. These thoughts are supposed to grow in time and various spaces.

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